A causal model of academic incivility based on academic entitlement, classroom justice and academic engagement

Document Type : Research Paper


dept of educational psychology. faculty of education and psychology. Shiraz University. Shiraz. Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation academic entitlement, and classroom justice to academic incivility by mediation of academic engagement. To do this research, 421 students were selected from Shiraz University through multi-stage random cluster sampling. The research instruments were Incivility Revision Questionnaire in Nursing Education (Clark et al, 2015), Academic Entitlement Scale (Acacasso, 2002), Classroom Justice Scale (Chira et al, 2016) and Academic Engagement Questionnaire (Reeve, 2013). The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling using AMOS software. The results showed that the model of this research has a suitable fitness. According to the findings, the academic engagement had a mediating role in the relationship between classroom justice and academic entitlement with academic incivility. In this sense, with increasing classroom justice, academic engagement has also increased, and through this way, academic incivility has decreased. Also, with increasing academic entitlement, academic engagement has decreased and thus, academic incivility has increased. This study, by presenting a model of academic incivility, can help higher education planners improve students’ learning by preventing academic incivility behaviors.


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