Development and Evalution of Psychometric Properties of Ghaflat Scale Based on the Holy Quran Verses

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of the present study was to construct and evaluate the psychometric properties of ghaflat scale based on the holy Quran verses. Based on the apparent concepts of Quran verses about ghaflat, phrases were developed and used as a scale. To evaluate the psychometric properties of this scale, 518 undergraduate students studying at Shiraz University were recruited via random cluster sampling method. Exploratory factor analysis and criterion validity was used to assess the construct validity of this scale. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the scale. Results confirmed the presence of four components in ghaflat scale: 1- ghaflat of the others, 2- ghaflat of god, 3- ghaflat of threads and dangers, 4- inattention and dailiness. All these components were significantly negatively correlated with the total score of consciousness questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha coefficient confirmed acceptable reliability of these components. Therefore, this scale can be considered as a reliable and valid scale and can be used in research.


- قرآن کریم
- نهج البلاغه
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