Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skill Training on Happiness & Beliefs Abuse



This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of problem-solving skills on happiness & Beliefs substance abuse of addicts to methamphetamine in Tehran city. Methodology: with use of a semi-experimental design and multistage cluster sampling method, 36 addicts were randomly assigned in the experimental and control group. Both groups filled Oxford Happiness Questionnaire & Beliefs substance abuse in the pre-test post test and 3-months fallow up. The participants of the experimental group were trained problem-solving skills. Covariance and variance analysis with repeated measurement of Bonn-Ferny test were conducted to analyze the data. Findings: Eta Square (happiness: Eta=0  0.28 & beliefs abuse= 0.51) confirmed increases in happiness level & Beliefs substance abuse of addicts receiving problem-solving skills. Therefore, it can be concluded that the experimental intervention had made changes in the experimental group that 0.28, 0.51 of them results from the experimental action, and with 0.99 assurances there was significant difference between the studied groups in the three measurements or intervention stages. Conclusion: training of problem-solving skills was effective for increasing happiness level and changing positive beliefs abuse to negative beliefs abuse of addicts to methamphetamine.


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