Effectiveness of the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on psychological well-being and cognitive distortion among adolescents of Ahvaz

Document Type : Research Paper



The current research aimed to examine effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on psychological well-being and cognitive distortion among adolescents of Ahvaz. The statistical population of the research included first high school female students of Ahvaz in 2016-17 among whom 30 were recruited using cluster random sampling method and were divided into treatment and control groups equally. The participants filled out the Abdolah Zadeh and Salar's Psychological Distortion Questionnaire and Ryff's Psychological Well-being Inventory. The treatment group received 10 weekly sessions of CBT intervention each lasting 90 mins but the control group received no intervention. The data were analyzed using MANCOVA and ANCOVA and the analyses were performed using SPSS-25 software. The results of MANCOVA and ANCOVA showed that CBT increased adolescents' psychological well-being in self-acceptance, independence, environmentally dominance, purposefulness in life, personal growth, and positive relationship with others areas. Also, comparison of post-test results of the treatment and the control groups revealed that CBT intervention led to decreased cognitive distortions of adolescents of Ahvaz


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