Comparison the effectiveness of narrative therapyOn early maladaptive schemas,Increasing the quality of lifeAnd marital satisfaction in couplesDivorce Applicant in Shiraz City.

Document Type : Research Paper


azad univercity


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of narrative therapy on early maladaptive schemas, increase of quality of life and marital satisfaction in couples applying for divorce in Shiraz.The research method was experimental (applied) and applied. 30 couples on the verge of divorce participated in a simple random sampling method.For data collection, the narrative therapy protocol, the scale of the initial maladaptive schemas, the quality of life questionnaire, and Enrich's marital satisfaction scale were used.The findings showed that according to the results of the analysis of covariance, it can be seen that the F index for the dimensions of emancipation, mistrust, inability, insecurity, vulnerability, shame, self-sacrifice, self-discipline, failure, social alienation and occupation at the level of 0/001 is meaningful.The results of the research show that narrative therapy has a significant effect on early maladaptive schemas in couples applying for divorce in Shiraz.
Keywords:Therapeutic narratives,early maladaptive schemas, quality of life, marital satisfaction.


Main Subjects

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