Effect of Premarital Education Based on Idealistic Marital Expectation's on Reducing Idealistic Marital Expectation's in Marriage Applicant Couples: A Single Case Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahwaz, Iran

2 Master of Family Coun seling, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahwaz, Iran


Introduction & Aim: Marriage as a bond that enhances the individual and social lives of people, and one of the biggest decisions a person can makes in his/her lifetime. The aim of this study was to determine effect of premarriage education based on reducing idealistic marital expectations in marriage applicant couples.
Materials & Methods: This study was conducted in a single-case experimental design of multiple base-line type. Three of couple applicant of marriage among females and male's applicant of marriage refereed to Hevdhe Shrivar Health Center of Ahvaz city, Iran (three of female and three of male) were selected using voluntary method, with caution included criteria, and were assessed in base-line, and treatment stages. The participants completed Idealistic Marital Expectations Scale in base-line stages, and in two, fourth, and seven sessions. The data were analyzed using recovery percent index, and reliable change index.
Findings: The results indicated that effect of partial recovery percent idealistic expectations education was in reducing idealistic expectations in the first 42.55, and the 38.46 second couples, and not for the third of couple.
Discussion:Thus, according to the findings, this education is effect partially in reduce idealistic marital expectations in the first and second couples, and is recommended that premarriage psychologists and counseling’s use of this treatment to prevention and improve and solidarity of family.


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