Pattern of Structural Equations in the Relationship Between Divorce Tendency With Communication Skills and Main Family Health With the Mediating Role of Marital Intimacy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of General Psychology, Kermanshah Branch, Kermanshah University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling, Kermanshah Branch, Kermanshah University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling, Kermanshah Branch, Kermanshah University, Kermanshah, Iran


Introduction and aim:Iranian society is also on the path of increasing changes due to the consensual collapse of marital ties and the increase in the number of consensual divorces. The aim of this study was to provide a model of structural equations in the relationship between the tendency to divorce with communication skills and the health of the main family with the mediating role of marital intimacy in Kermanshah.
Methods:The statistical population of this study is all couples in Kermanshah. The sampling method is cluster sampling and out of 8 municipal districts, District 8 was selected and 200 couples were selected as sample members. The instruments used in this study were Walker and Thompson (1993) Marital Intimacy Questionnaire, Hawstat et al.'s (1985) Main Family Health Questionnaire, Queen Dam (2001) Communication Skills Scale, Roosevelt et al.'s Divorce Tendency Scale (1986). IBM AMOS 24 software was used for data analysis. The results were presented after fitting the model.
Findings: Findings showed that the health of the main family is related to the tendency to divorce through marital intimacy. The results also showed that communication skills are related to the tendency to divorce through marital intimacy. Marital intimacy is also directly related to the tendency to divorce.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that attention to marital variables and marital satisfaction is very important in terms of individual health and public health in reducing the divorce rate.


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