A Model for Job Burnout Reducing among the Central Organization of Islamic Azad University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Higher Education Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Higher Education Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


In this study, the researcher seeks to provide a model to reduce burnout in employees of the central organization. The Central Organization of the Islamic Azad University, as one of the main pillars of the country's higher education system, should pay special attention to its staff as the most important element of the organization. Therefore, in this study, the researcher seeks to provide a model to reduce burnout in employees of the central organization. The number of subjects in this study included 325 (male and female) employees of the central organization. The total alpha coefficient of the staff burnout questionnaire is 0.89, which indicates that the tool used had good reliability. Using the factor analysis model, in which the factors: structural (factor load 0.43), behavioral (factor load 62) (0), environmental (factor load 0.38), were indicators of reducing burnout of employees of the central organization were determined. Out of 54 items, due to the fact that all factor loads were above 0.6, so none of the factors were removed, all three of the above components were accepted as factors in reducing the burnout of employees of the central organization and the model is in a "very favorable" state. It was confirmed. Then, after examining the current and desired situation and measuring the distance between them, the researcher provided appropriate mechanisms to reduce burnout of employees of the central organization. Finally, the researcher examined the appropriate fit of the model.


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