Effectiveness of Cognitive Emotional Regulation Training on The Improvement of social skills in High school Students

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of educational psychology, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran


The purpose of this research was to study of effectiveness of the training of cognitive emotion regulation skills on improvement of Socio- psychological Functions in High school Students in Shiraz. To this end, a semi-experimental design including pretest-posttest and follow up with a control group was employed. Using a convenience sampling method, 40 high school students were randomly assigned to two groups (experimental and control), each with 20 students. The instruments used in this study to collect the data was Matson Social Skills Questionnaire and Cattel Intelligence Scale (Form 2) as a control variable. The experimental group received 8 group sessions of cognitive emotion regulation skills training which was based on the Grass protocol, while the control group received no intervention. Both of groups received follow up After 2 months. Covariance analysis was used to analyze the data. The results showed that training of cognitive emotion regulation increased the scores of adaptive social skills and decreased the scores of maladaptive social skills. Training of cognitive emotion regulation skills can have an effect on improvement of the psycho-socio functions in students.


Main Subjects

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