The Effect of Moral Urges and Moral Identity as a Mediator in the Relationship between Moral Discord and Bullying in Primary Schools in Tehran.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in educational psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran.


Background and purpose: In this study, the mediating role of moral emotion and moral identity in relation to moral disengagement and bullying has been investigated.
Methods: For this purpose, 486 students were selected through cluster sampling method among all the primary school students in Tehran. There were 254 male and 232 female students. They completed the Bullying Scale, the Moral Disruption Scale, the Moral Emotions Scale, and the Moral Identity Questionnaire.  This study was conducted using structural equation modeling with the help of SPSS22 and PLS-SEM software.
Findings: It has been shown that moral identity and moral emotion both have a mediating role in the relationship between moral Disengagement and bullying.
Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that according to the concept of the moral agency from Bandura's social cognitive theory, emotional factors should be considered in addition to cognitive factors and moral reasoning in order to examine the moral behavior of individuals.


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