Document Type : Research Paper



The present study investigated the mediating role of identity processing styles in relationship between child-rearing dimensions and responsibility among adolescents. Participants included 304 high school students (171 female and 133 male) from Shiraz city which selected by multistage cluster sampling method. To study variables, participants completed Family Environment Inventory, Identity Styles Inventory, ISI-6G and Responsibility Inventory). The reliability and validity of instruments were determined by Alpha Cronbach coefficient and internal consistency. The results showed an acceptable reliability and validity of the instruments. Finding showed that the dimensions of affection and control were a significant positive predictor of responsibility. Also dimension of control was a significant positive predictor of normative identity processing style. Dimension of affection was a significant positive predictor of information and normative identity processing styles and a significant negative predictor of diffuse-avoidant identity processing style. Also informational identity style and normative identity style were significant positive predictors of responsibility, but diffuse/avoidant identity style was a significant negative predictor of responsibility. Path analysis showed the partial mediating role of normative identity processing styles in relationship between control dimension and responsibility. In addition to, informational, normative anddiffuse/avoidant processing styles had complete mediating role in relationship betweenaffection dimension and responsibility.


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