comparison of Cognitive failures, Alexithymia and Avoid Cognitive in students with and without specific learning disorder

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of the study was to comparison of cognitive failures, alexithymia and avoid cognitive in students with and without specific learning disorder. This is a comparative case-control study. The statistical population of this research includes all male students in the fifth grade of elementary schools in Ardabil city in the 2014 academic year. The research subjects consisted of 80 students who were selected by multistage cluster sampling (n = 40 for each group). To collect data cognitive failures, alexithymia and Avoid Cognitive scales were used. The results of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that there was a significant difference between the students with and without specific learning disorder in term of cognitive failures, alexithymia and avoid cognitive (p<0/001). In other words: cognitive failures, alexithymia and avoid cognitive of students with specific learning disorder were more than normal students. These results indicated that cognitive and emotional variables can create a gap between individual`s thoughts and emotions and also avoid an accepting it, can face academic achievement of students with specific learning disorder with significant barriers; Thus, according to the relevant factors by the authorities in order to prevent this disorder in this students is very important.


Main Subjects

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