Construction and Validation of Quality of Life Questionnaire Based on Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s Views

Document Type : Research Paper



The main goal of this study was construction and validation of Quality of Life Questionnaire based on Javadi Amoli’s views. The research method was a descriptive survey in which the researcher constructed questionnaire was answered by 350 bachelor students of Karaj Islamic Azad University, selected by convenience sampling method. Javadi Amoli’s books were utilized for construction of the questionnaire. Validity of questionnaire was founded upon content validity, face validity and construct validity (using factor analysis and measuring correlation of identified components with total questionnaire) methods. After ensuring content validity and using Bartlett's test and KMO index, factor analysis was performed using principal component analysis and varimax rotation. The results revealed four dimensions as God, Self, Others, and The Nature. Reliability numbers of the questionnaire, using split-half method and Cronbach's alpha, was 0.63 and 0.89 respectively, which proved it to be reliable. Finally, findings of this survey showed that constructed questionnaire was purposeful and efficient.


Main Subjects

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