A Study of Impact of Cognitive Therapy on Decreasing Depression, and Increasing Marital Satisfaction

Document Type : Research Paper



Aim: The purpose of this research was impact of cognitive therapy on decreasing depression, and increasing marital satisfaction in couples referring to family counseling, and crisis center of Ahvaz Fiazbakhse. Method: Participations of these study 20 couples were consisted that of between referring of counseling and crisis center Ahvaz Fiazbakhse randomly were selected. The participants randomly were assigned in experimental and control groups. The period of cognitive treatment was eight sessions. Results: Findings showed that there are significant different between couples under cognitive treatment (experimental group) and non-treatment (control group) about decrease of depression symptoms, increase of marital satisfaction. Conclusion: According to findings obtained can be mentioned that CT to affect couples depression, and marital satisfaction (primary variable decrease, and secondary increase).
