Psychometric Properties of School Self-concept in Primary Students of Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the important factors in education is to increase positive self-concept in students. Increasing this factor can affect academic achievement positively. The purpose of this study is investigating psychometric properties of school self-concept questionnaire (Yi-Hissn Chen, 2004) in Iranian students. The population was all the students of nonprofit primary school in district 2 of Tehran. The sample of this study consisted of 252 students in the nonprofit primary schools. For validity, it is used content validity, structural validity, factor analysis and Convergent validity by use of Rosenberg self-esteem. For reliability, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of this instrument was found 0, 78. Results show three components including general, academic and non-academic self-concept were obtained. Based on the findings, the researcher concluded that school self-concept Questionnaire has undoubtedly strong psychometric properties and good constructs validity that makes him conclude that it is useful for assessing primary students' self-concept research in Iran.
