The Effectiveness of Integrated Approach Imago Therapy and Object Relationship to Controlling Emotions Couples Treacherous

Document Type : Research Paper



    This study aim was to explain the effectiveness of integrated approach imago therapy and object relationship to controlling emotions couples treacherous. The research method was experimental and a two- groups research design (experimental and control) with pre- test and post-test. 30 couples treacherous were refer to center counseling due to infidelity by Targeted sampling was chosen. Then, Subjects were randomly assigned to experimental (16 persons) and control (16 persons) groups. Assessment   instruments   was Control emotions inventory (anger, depression, and positive affect). The results showed that integrated approach imago therapy and object relationship had a significant impact control emotions and subscales of anger, depression and positive affect . But it was not effective on anxiety. However the results of posttest in the follow-up meeting  showed that the anxiety subscale, not only had a significant change But all other subscales showed significant changes higher than the post-test in session 10 which indicated the stability and the growing process of changes over time. After the disclosure of infidelity, resolution, control and treatment of traumatic reactions and increased forgiveness issue is inevitable for couples therapists. The results in general show that integrated approach imago therapy and object relationship can increase controlling emotions in the couple's marital infidelity involved.


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