Developing of an academic engagement model based on classroom socio-mental climate and emotional factors of family with mediating role of academic resilience

Document Type : Research Paper


1 student of Lorestan University

2 Assistant Professor of Psychology at the Lorestan University

3 Associate Professor of Psychology at the Lorestan University


The purpose of this study was to develop an academic engagement model based on the classroom socio-mental climate and emotional factors of the family with the mediating role of academic resilience. The design of the research was a correlation of the structural equation model. The statistical population consists of the students of the first grade high school (the eighth and ninth grades) of Khorramabad city. A multi-stage stratified random sampling method was used that 310 high school students (the eighth and ninth grades) were selected with this method and they responded to the questionnaires of academic engagement, classroom socio-mental climate, emotional factors of the family and academic resilience. Data were analyzed with the help of AMOS software and structural equation modeling method. The results suggested that the academic engagement model has a generally acceptable fit, indicating that the data obtained from the sample confirm the proposed model. The results of direct regression coefficients between the research variables showed that the direct paths of classroom socio-mental climate and emotional factors of the family were not significant to the academic engagement, but other direct paths and two indirect paths were positive and significant. This suggests that academic resilience can mediate the relationship between the family's emotional factors and academic engagement, thus, it can be said that the classroom socio-mental climate and appropriate emotional factors in the family increase the academic resilience, and the result of an increased academic resilience will be an increase in academic engagement.


Main Subjects

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