Effects of music therapy on aggression and hyperactivity symptoms and attention deficit in children with attention deficit- hyperactivity disorder

Document Type : Research Paper



Background & Aims: Attention deficit - hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) is relatively common among children is associated with symptoms of aggression, hyperactivity, anxiety, and attention deficit. Due to side-effects of the medications used to treat this disorder, this study aimed to investigate effects of music therapy on improvement of disorder symptoms has been made.
Materials &Methodes:This semi-experimental study at Islamic Azad University of Shiraz in 1395 on 20 Iranian children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD was conducted. The study which was performed by pre & post-test, children were divided into two groups of 10 experimental and control group. Children of experimental group were trained 20 sessions of 2 hours a day music therapy for 3 weeks in methods of Orff's. Data obtained from two tests of Aachen Bach and Connors using covariance method and with SPSS-18 software were analyzed and in all cases, significant difference between groups at P<0/05 was considered.
Results: The results of data analysis indicated that in children with attention deficit- hyperactivity disorder, music therapy causes to reduce aggression and hyperactivity at P<0/01 and increase the attention at P<0/001 than to the control group.
Conclusion: Music therapy likely by modifying brain function, has caused to improve symptoms of aggression, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder in children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder.


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