Comparison of the efficacy cognitive behavioral and acceptance and commitment therapy group in cognitive emotion regulation on substance use stimulus pationt (Methamphetamine)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student. Azad marvdasht

2 Assist departemant university marvdasht azad . Iran

3 Department university marvdasht azad . Iran

4 Assist university marvdasht azad . Iran


Comparison of the efficacy cognitive behavioral and acceptance and commitment therapy group in cognitive emotion regulation on substance use stimulus pationt (Methamphetamine)
Ali Rahim[ , Nadereh Sohrabbi , Azarmidokht Rezaei , Sirous sarvghad
Objective: Comparison of the efficacy cognitive behavioral and acceptance and commitment therapy group in cognitive emotion regulation on substance use stimulus patient.
Method: this study is of experimental type. Statistical society of study in cludes all men who substance use (methamphetamin) which refer to out patient therapy center 5 in shiraz. participant in this study in cloudes 28 consumers of methamphetamine who involved in 3 groups accidentally & includes : therapy experimental intervention group, based on protocol group therapy behavior cognitive modal matrix, based on protocol therapy commitment and acceptance which they benefits from therapy intervention in 24,60 minutes sessions in 12 weeks (2 sessions per week), and control group who didn’t receive therapy intervention .experimental and control groups compete cognitive emotion regulation qustionnair before intervention , after intervention and 3 mouth follow up.
Finding: efficacy post test behavioral and acceptance and commitment therapy group in cognitive emotion regulation but efficacy results in stage follow up & also efficacier acceptance and commitment therapy group in improve cognitive behavioral cognitive emotion regulation to post test and follow up. Conclusion: efficacy cognitive behavioral and acceptance and commitment therapy group in cognitive emotion regulation on substance use stimulus pationt and efficacier acceptance and commitment therapy
Keywords: cognitive emotion regulation, cognitive behavioral therapy group, acceptance and commitment therapy group.


Main Subjects

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