constructing and validating of aesthetic intelligence Test

Document Type : Research Paper




The purpose of this study was constructing and validating aesthetic intelligence Test. Population statistical was consisted of 10000 students of Buali sina University in 1392-‎‎1393 academic years. There were 370 ‎students selected by classified sampling method. In order to construct of questionnaire, after studying of the theoretical bases and interviews ‎with some scholars in the field of psychology and art, multipurpose questionnaire was constructed. After ‎confirming the content validity of questionnaire items, to clarification and awareness of potential problems, several people respond to it to determine ‎unintelligible phrases and words. Data were analyzed by using spss19 ‎and structural equation model in lisrel 8.8. The reliability of the questionnaire using ‎Cronbach's method was calculated 0/81. The results showed that constructed aesthetic ‎intelligence Test have three components, namely: sensational, mental - emotional and dynamic. Regarding ‎the obtained reliability and validity, the aesthetic intelligence questionnaire was suitable instrument ‎for measuring the people's aesthetic intelligence.‎


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