Test Causal Model of Depression On Lifestyle through the Mediation of Social Health and Quality of Life in adults in Ahvaz

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Psychology,Sousangerd branch, Islamic Azad University, Sousangerd, Iran

2 associate of professor at allameh tabatabaei university


Recently, especially in developed countries, the relationship between lifestyle and various diseases has attracted the attention of many professionals. One of the pillars of the community health assessment is, psychological and social health of the community. The purpose of this study was to test causal model of depression on lifestyle with social health and quality of life and has been fitted. The study population consisted of all adults in Ahvaz. People in a multistage random cluster sampling, 383 were selected. Research data in this study were collected by using a health promoting lifestyle questionnaire Walker and Polerrcky (1987), Keynesian social health (2004), the World Health Organization quality of life (1989) and beck depression (1996). Research hypotheses were confirmed by using Pearson correlation path analysis and modeling. The results confirmed the model's hypotheses, Lifestyle has a direct effect on depression and lifestyle through the mediation of social health and quality of life had an indirect effect on depression. According to the results of research to explain the depression can be used from lifestyles and social health and quality of life.


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