The impact of successful intelligence on academic achievement motivation and teacher efficacy in student teachers of Farhangyan Univercity. 2

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student, of Psychology. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Ahvaz.Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Department of Psychology. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Ahvaz. Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Ahvaz. Iran


Successful intelligence is the combination of analytical, creative and practical capabilities. Thise help up to people to adapt, select and change the environment in order to achieve their goals in life, according to the socio-cultural context. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of successful intelligence on academic motivation and teacher efficacy student son's Farhangyan Univercity, higher education center, Imam Ja'far Sadeqh in Behbahan. Therefore, using simple random sampling method, 50 students were selected and randomly divided into two groups of 25 patients were divided into experimental group and control group. Experimental Group In a classroom, were taught successful intelligence package. Both in Pretest and Postest were measured by academic motivation and teacher efficacy questionnaires. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used to analyze the data. Results showed, taught components of successful intelligence has been able to increase students' Intrinsic motivation academic achievement motivation and teacher efficacy. Successful intelligence components taught and teaching based on this approach in the Farhangyan universitie, has been able to increase students' Intrinsic motivation and teach self-efficacy and thise new trends has been able to increase professional competence of student teachers.


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