Effectiveness of Behavior management training for mothers of children with symptoms of attention deficit – hyperactivity on ADHD symptoms of children and mental health of mothers.

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of present study was to determine the effectiveness of Behavior management training for mothers of children with symptoms of attention deficit – hyperactivity on ADHD symptoms of children and mental health of mothers. Thirty four mothers that their children were diagnosed with ADHD were matched and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received a 8 sessions of instruction within the framework of a behavior management training Program. The subjects were assessed by General Health Questionnaire and List the Signs of Child Illness (CSI-4) in 2 sections (before and after treatment). The collected data were then put to the Multivariate Covariance Analysis. Findings show that the instruction has caused significant mental health improvement in the experimental group compared to control group mothers. The behavior management training program was found effective for the mental health of the mothers who had children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Also, results showed that group behavior management training program has led to significant reduction in ADHD index, hyperactivity, oppositional behaviors, cognitive and attention problems in ADHD children. Therefore, the program is recommended to be used for mothers of such children.


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