The Effect Attachment Styles on Negative Perfectionism and Interpersonal Permeables with Mediation Affective Regulation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 azad eslamic university shiraz

2 PhD of family Counseling in the shiraz azad eslamic University, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to investigated mediation role of affective regulation (with tow indexes: emotional reactivity and emotional cutoff) in relationship between Attachment Styles (anxiety and avoidance styles) and Negative Perfectionism and Interpersonal Problems. Participants were 220 college students (109 boys, 111 girls) in Azad University were selected by random cluster sampling, with average age 27years. They completed four self-report instruments: Differentiation of Self Inventory, Experience in Close Relationship – Revised (ECR-R), Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale (PANPS( and Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-32). Data analysis was constructed by structural equation model (SEM). The resulted indicated that attachment styles (anxiety and avoidance styles), both directly and indirectly, through mediating role of affective regulation (emotional reactivity and emotional cutoff) are a significant predictor in negative perfectionism and interpersonal problems. Also emotional reactivity and emotional cutoff directly prediction negative perfectionism and interpersonal problems. Implications and suggestion for future studies are discussed.


Main Subjects

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