Comparing the Effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy and quality of life therapy on selfcriticism and Depression patient with major depression

Document Type : Research Paper


Department Of Psychology, Neyshabur branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran.


Background & Aims: Depression is one of the most common problems with various consequences in economic, social, psychological Fields. Thus, the present study aimed to Comparing the effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy and quality of life therapy on selfcriticism and Depression patient with major depression.
Methods & Materials: This study is a semi-experimental ‎research with a pretest-‎posttest and follow-‎up ‎control group design. The statistical population of this study comprises all patient with major depression who referred to counseling centers in Neyshabur during the first three months of 1398 SH (2018-2019) that 45 of these patient who were selected by available sampling and were randomly assigned into two experimental groups 1 and 2 (15 subjects) and one control group. The first experimental group underwent compassion-focused therapy, the second experimental group received quality of life therapy and the control group was placed on the waiting list. Data were collected using Gilbert selfcriticism Questionnaire and Beck Depression Questionnaire. For data analysis, repeated measures ‎ANOVA‎ was applied.
Results: compassion-focused therapy and quality of life therapy improves self-criticism and depression patient with major depression. Also, the effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy in reducing these psychological problems is more than quality of life therapy.

Conclusion: Both treatments have been shown to reduce self-criticism and depression, but compassion-focused therapy has been significantly superior to quality of life therapy.


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