Preparation and Factor Analysis of Iranian form of Test Will Power

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study is structured and validated questionnaire willpower-based Iranian – Islamic culture that description of the research method of content analysis and factor analysis has been prepared. Content and construct validity of this questionnaire has been approved by a group of teachers of Islamic sciences and psychology. Reliability and validity of the questionnaire by 400 students of Tehran, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and is supported by PNU students with random sampling, cluster sampling was selected. Structured questionnaire, factor analysis, principal component method and rotated Varymks examined the results suggest get six motivational factors, worship, cognitive, cognitive, emotional and behavioral reserved. KMO index and the Bartlett also check the validity of the scale and the KMO index 0.910 and significant coefficient (Sig) is equal to 0.000, indicating the suitability of factor analysis to identify the structure of the factor model is valid. Cronbach's alpha scale reliability of the questionnaire was obtained, indicating the reliability of this questionnaire is 0.933. Therefore, a questionnaire with 37 questions will evaluate the results of the factor structure was appropriate and qualified for psychological research and clinical diagnostic activities is
