Evaluating model of meditating marital boredom role in the relationship between self-differentiation, conflict resolution styles & marital expectations in predicting marital adjustment in married men & women in Kermanshah

Document Type : Research Paper


Master's degree student in Family Counseling, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch


In this research, which was conducted under the title of Evaluating model of meditating marital boredom role in the relationship between self-differentiation, conflict resolution styles & marital expectations in predicting marital adjustment in married men & women in Kermanshah, the main purpose was to examine direct and indirect relationships between research variables, to determine their contribution to predicting marital adjustment. The research was descriptive & correlational type, & the statistical population was composed of all married men & women in Kermanshah in the autumn of 2019. 603 people were selected as the research sample by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The "LWMAT" Test & the DSI-R,"ROCI – II", AMS Sub Scale & "CBM" Questionnaires were the research tools. The evaluation of the proposed model was performed by using the statistical analysis of path analysis. The results showed that the indirect relationship between self-differentiation & marital adjustment through marital boredom (0.10) & the indirect relationship between dominant style & marital adjustment through marital boredom (-0.22) is significant


Main Subjects

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