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Journal of Psychological Models and Methods

Last Updated Date: 05.15.2024


Open Access: All Papers Freely Available

Publication language: Persian (with extended English abstract)

Scientific journal  of "Psychological Models and Methods" according to the license No. 3/18/528 dated 2013.12.11 of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and during the meeting dated 2013.11.27, the review commission of the scientific journals of that ministry succeeded in obtaining the rank of " Scientific-Research "from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

Quarterly Journal of "Psychological Models and Methods" of Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch, based on the approval of the 69th session of the Review and Approval of Scientific Journals of Islamic Azad University has received permission to publish.

The purpose of publishing the "Journal of Psychological Models and Methods" is to increase the opportunity to introduce and present psychological operational solutions by experts, students and the general public interested in psychological topics in meeting the psychological needs of society and also to approach theoretical and operational areas in psychological studies. This journal aims to publish Psychological Models and Methods in various fields of psychology including learning, education, clinical, sports, environment, counseling, health, occupational, evaluation and measurement, crime, behavior modification and other disciplines. The specialized services of this science provide the basis for theorizing and presenting theoretical and practical models, and thus bring the field of theoretical activities closer to operational activities in psychology.

This journal is following the principles of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 56, August 2024